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Youth Ministries
We have an active youth ministry here at Hunters Creek. The following are the core ministries of our youth program.
Wednesday Youth Group @ 6:30pm
The Youth Group is led by our Youth Pastor and Adult Youth Leaders. The Youth Group meets each Wednesday from 6:30 pm-8:15 pm. There is student-led worship through music, scripture reading, and prayer. The Bible is our curriculum and past studies have included Philippians, How to Study the Bible, Ecclesiastes, and Titus. Each student is part of a small group that meets during the last portion of the night for discussion, hang out time, and prayer. Come as you are, bring a friend, and see for yourself what the Bible teaches about life!
Sunday School @ 9:15am
Junior High 7th – 8th Graders meet in the old church sanctuary
Senior High 9th – 12th Graders meet in the old church basement
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