Sunday School
The Bible has much to say about children, Matthew 19:14 says, ". . . let the little children come to me . . ." Proverbs 22:6 says, "train up a child in the way he should go . . ."
Because of this we take our children's spiritual development seriously and provide Biblical training for all ages.
Children's Sunday School
Our children's ministry is an extension of our ministry to families. We recognize that God has placed parents as the primary spiritual influence in their family; therefore, our goal is to partner with parents to assist them in leading their families spiritually. We encourage our young people to honor, respect and follow their parents. Multiple opportunities are available for children. Weekly Sunday school classes, children’s church, and children’s choirs are helpful tools to support and reinforce the parents’ ministry to their children.
Adult Sunday School
In Titus 2:1, the Apostle Paul instructs the young pastor Titus to speak to the churches the things which are “fitting for sound doctrine.” A Biblical minded Sunday School provides a variety of classes for different ages and stages of life. These include not only a class for each age group but we also have classes for particular stages of life regardless of age.